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I am looking for an online backup service which will give me services like easy to use Drag & Drop backup, mobile Access, Quick restore. My main concern is data security.
Do you have any solutions for backup services?
There are many online backup services available on net now a days. I suggest you to before finalising any service please make sure you go through user comments for the service and then select the best out of it. You can refer http://top10onlinebackup.com/.
I have just switched to BackupandShare.com for online backup. This service is very reliable and user friendly. They do encrypt backedup data using 128-bit AES format which is most difficult to hack.They also provide windows mobile backup solution for free. No wonder they are the cureent topper in http://top10onlinebackup.com/
I have gone through site top10onlinebackup.com and found Backupandshare.com on the top for best backup provider. Does anyone have tried this service? How is your experience?
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