Free Download Action & Puzzle Java Games for cell phones - Part VI
Family Guy Uncensored_SE_240x320.jar
Family Guy Uncensored_SE_240x320-uiq.jar
Family Guy Uncensored_N82_240x320.jar
Diamond Tumble SE 240x320.jar
Apr 27, 2009
Apr 23, 2009
240X320 Java Games [Action, Puzzle & etc] V
Free Download Action & Puzzle Java Games for cell phones - Part V
Go! Go! Rescue Squad_SE_240x320.jar
Smash Kart Racing_N95_240x320.jar
Water Level_SE_240x320.jar
Rockstar Hero SE 240x320.jar
SexyTangram SE 240x320.jar
Out Road2 SE 240x320.jar
Pac-Man Multiplayer 240x320.jar
Popeye SE 240x320.jar
Absolute Twin Blade SE 240x320.jar
Blocspin 360 (RUS) SE 240x320.jar
Crazy Pong 360º SE 240x320.jar
The Sims_2_Castaway_240x320.jar
Demon Tsam_CN_240x320.jar
Bublex Mania_SE_240x320_K800.jar
Cleanliness Baby 240x320.jar
Mad Racing 240x320.jar
God Of War_SE_240x320.jar
Golf Tour_240x320.jar
Winter Bonus Selection_SE_240x320.jar
Street Fighter II_SE_240x320.jar
Snoopy The Flying Ace_240x320.jar
Cartoon Yourself_SE_240x320.jar
18+ Muvrox Nude_240x320.jar
Block Runner_240x320.jar
Metal Gear Acid 2 3D SE 240x320.jar
Pile Up Candymania SE 240x320.jar
Delivery Xpress_240x320.jar
18+ Pearls_for_Stacy_240x320.jar
3D Solid Weapon 2_240x320.jar
Fast & Furious 3D_EN_N95_240x320.jar
Coffee Craze_240x320.jar
Monsters Vs Aliens_SE_240x320.jar
Paperboy Wheels On Fire SE 240x320.jar
Tomb_Raider_Legend Tokyo_SE_240x320.jar
Space Harrier_240x320.jar
Pizza Manager SE 240x320.jar
Super Fruitfall_SE_240x320.jar
Super Fruitfall_SE_240x320_uiq.jar
Mafia Wars New York_multiscreen.jar
Ali Baba And The Scary Dev_SE_240x320.jar
Space Miner_SE_240x320.jar
Tom Clancys-HAWX_SE_240X320.jar
Kung Fu Master_SE_240x320.jar
Galaxy on Fire 2_SE_240x320_FULL.jar
Paris Nights_SE_240x320.jar
Zelda - The Dark World_240x320.jar
Tropical Towers_SE_240x320.jar
GOD WAR 3D_240x320.jar
Crazy Hospital SE 240x320.jar
Guitar Hero-World Tour_240x320.jar
Crazy Hospital_N95_240x320.jar
Galaxy on Fire 2_SE_240x320.jar
Chop Sushi_SE_240x320.jar
Mini Golf theme Park 99 holes_multiscreen.jar
Mystery Mania_240x320.jar
Guan Tian Chuang_SE_240x320_CN.jar
Fatal Bazooka_240x320_FR.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_240x320_cracked.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_SE_240x320_with jad
Fun Park Tycoon_240x320.jar
World Of Dice_SE_240x320.jar
Party Island Sexy Trivia_240x320.jar
Loco Roco Hi_240x320.jar
RBS 6 Nations Rugby 2009_SE_240x320.jar
Tamagochi_Kitty Kitten_SE_240x320.jar
Tamagochi_Lab Hamster_SE_240x320.jar
Tamagochi_Cuddles Panda_SE_240x320.jar
18+ Sexi X_240x320.jar
Spring Break Fever_SE_240x320.jar
The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor_SE_240x320.jar
Trivial Pursuit_SE_240x320.jar
King of the Hill_SE_240x320.jar
Power of 10_SE_240x320.jar
Alpha Wing2_multiscreen.jar
Manchester_United_SE 240x320.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_SE_240x320.jar
Pirate Ship Battles_SE_240x320.jar
Bubble Ducky 3 in 1_multiscreen.jar
Bubble Ducky 3 in 1_SE_240x320.jar
NBA STREET SE 240x320.jar
Jungle Twister 240x320.jar
Hell Rider 240x320.jar
Sacred Female fighter_240x320.jar
Star Warriors_240x320.jar
Devils and DemonsMS_240x320.jar
Lemmings Tribes_SE_MS_240X320.jar
Hamster Mansion_SE_240x320.jar
Battle ship connect4_240x320.jar
Mystic Ways 3D_240x320.jar
Dragon And Dracula 3D_240x320.jar
Stop Smoking With Allen Carr_SE_240x320.jar
Super Contra 5_multiscreen.jar
SK8 KRAZY_SE_240x320.jar
Devil May Cry_240-320.jar
FC Bayern Munchen 2008-09_240x320.jar
Postal Babes 240x320.jar
Chicken Kickin'_240X320.jar
Major Pain_240x320.jar
One Piece Horizontal Action_240x320_CN.jar
Date or Ditch_SE_240x320.jar
18+ Push Up Sex (othello)_ 240x320.jar
18+ Sexy Snaker - Bikini_240x320.jar
Puzzle Magic 3_240x320.jar
18+ Sexy Factor_240x320.jar
Mau Mau_240x320 (card).jar
Othello Deluxe 3D_240x320.jar
Go! Go! Rescue Squad_SE_240x320.jar
Smash Kart Racing_N95_240x320.jar
Water Level_SE_240x320.jar
Rockstar Hero SE 240x320.jar
SexyTangram SE 240x320.jar
Out Road2 SE 240x320.jar
Pac-Man Multiplayer 240x320.jar
Popeye SE 240x320.jar
Absolute Twin Blade SE 240x320.jar
Blocspin 360 (RUS) SE 240x320.jar
Crazy Pong 360º SE 240x320.jar
The Sims_2_Castaway_240x320.jar
Demon Tsam_CN_240x320.jar
Bublex Mania_SE_240x320_K800.jar
Cleanliness Baby 240x320.jar
Mad Racing 240x320.jar
God Of War_SE_240x320.jar
Golf Tour_240x320.jar
Winter Bonus Selection_SE_240x320.jar
Street Fighter II_SE_240x320.jar
Snoopy The Flying Ace_240x320.jar
Cartoon Yourself_SE_240x320.jar
18+ Muvrox Nude_240x320.jar
Block Runner_240x320.jar
Metal Gear Acid 2 3D SE 240x320.jar
Pile Up Candymania SE 240x320.jar
Delivery Xpress_240x320.jar
18+ Pearls_for_Stacy_240x320.jar
3D Solid Weapon 2_240x320.jar
Fast & Furious 3D_EN_N95_240x320.jar
Coffee Craze_240x320.jar
Monsters Vs Aliens_SE_240x320.jar
Paperboy Wheels On Fire SE 240x320.jar
Tomb_Raider_Legend Tokyo_SE_240x320.jar
Space Harrier_240x320.jar
Pizza Manager SE 240x320.jar
Super Fruitfall_SE_240x320.jar
Super Fruitfall_SE_240x320_uiq.jar
Mafia Wars New York_multiscreen.jar
Ali Baba And The Scary Dev_SE_240x320.jar
Space Miner_SE_240x320.jar
Tom Clancys-HAWX_SE_240X320.jar
Kung Fu Master_SE_240x320.jar
Galaxy on Fire 2_SE_240x320_FULL.jar
Paris Nights_SE_240x320.jar
Zelda - The Dark World_240x320.jar
Tropical Towers_SE_240x320.jar
GOD WAR 3D_240x320.jar
Crazy Hospital SE 240x320.jar
Guitar Hero-World Tour_240x320.jar
Crazy Hospital_N95_240x320.jar
Galaxy on Fire 2_SE_240x320.jar
Chop Sushi_SE_240x320.jar
Mini Golf theme Park 99 holes_multiscreen.jar
Mystery Mania_240x320.jar
Guan Tian Chuang_SE_240x320_CN.jar
Fatal Bazooka_240x320_FR.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_240x320_cracked.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_SE_240x320_with jad
Fun Park Tycoon_240x320.jar
World Of Dice_SE_240x320.jar
Party Island Sexy Trivia_240x320.jar
Loco Roco Hi_240x320.jar
RBS 6 Nations Rugby 2009_SE_240x320.jar
Tamagochi_Kitty Kitten_SE_240x320.jar
Tamagochi_Lab Hamster_SE_240x320.jar
Tamagochi_Cuddles Panda_SE_240x320.jar
18+ Sexi X_240x320.jar
Spring Break Fever_SE_240x320.jar
The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor_SE_240x320.jar
Trivial Pursuit_SE_240x320.jar
King of the Hill_SE_240x320.jar
Power of 10_SE_240x320.jar
Alpha Wing2_multiscreen.jar
Manchester_United_SE 240x320.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_SE_240x320.jar
Pirate Ship Battles_SE_240x320.jar
Bubble Ducky 3 in 1_multiscreen.jar
Bubble Ducky 3 in 1_SE_240x320.jar
NBA STREET SE 240x320.jar
Jungle Twister 240x320.jar
Hell Rider 240x320.jar
Sacred Female fighter_240x320.jar
Star Warriors_240x320.jar
Devils and DemonsMS_240x320.jar
Lemmings Tribes_SE_MS_240X320.jar
Hamster Mansion_SE_240x320.jar
Battle ship connect4_240x320.jar
Mystic Ways 3D_240x320.jar
Dragon And Dracula 3D_240x320.jar
Stop Smoking With Allen Carr_SE_240x320.jar
Super Contra 5_multiscreen.jar
SK8 KRAZY_SE_240x320.jar
Devil May Cry_240-320.jar
FC Bayern Munchen 2008-09_240x320.jar
Postal Babes 240x320.jar
Chicken Kickin'_240X320.jar
Major Pain_240x320.jar
One Piece Horizontal Action_240x320_CN.jar
Date or Ditch_SE_240x320.jar
18+ Push Up Sex (othello)_ 240x320.jar
18+ Sexy Snaker - Bikini_240x320.jar
Puzzle Magic 3_240x320.jar
18+ Sexy Factor_240x320.jar
Mau Mau_240x320 (card).jar
Othello Deluxe 3D_240x320.jar
Apr 22, 2009
SE 176x220 Games III
Java Games Resolution 176x220 pixels Part III
Crazy Pong 360º SE 176x220.jar
Dynamite Fishing2 SE 176x220.jar
Rockstar Hero SE 176x220.jar
SexyTangram SE 176x220.jar
Blocspin 360 (RUS) SE 176x220.jar
Demon Tsam_CN_176x220.jar
Winter Bonus Selection_SE_176x220.jar
God Of War_SE_176x220.jar
Street Fighter II_SE_176x220.jar
Metal Gear Acid 2 SE 176x220.jar
Bublex Mania_SE_176x220_K700.jar
Pile Up Candymania SE 176x220.jar
Fast & Furious 3D_SE_176x220.jar
Cloud Commander_3D_176x208.jar
3D Solid Weapon 2_176x220.jar
High Speed 3D_176x220.jar
Paperboy Wheels On Fire_176x208.jar
Monsters Vs Aliens_SE_176x220.jar
Tomb_Raider_Legend Tokyo_SE_176x220.jar
Deliver Xpress_176x208.jar
Super Fruitfall_SE_176x220.jar
Space Miner_SE_176x220.jar
Ali Baba And The Scary Dev_SE_176x220.jar
Tom Clancys-HAWX_SE_176X220.jar
Kung Fu Master_SE_176x220.jar
Tropical Towers_SE_176x220.jar
Paris Nights_SE_176x220.jar
Crazy Hospital_SE_176x220.jar
Chop Sushi_SE_176x220.jar
Fatal Bazooka_176x208_FR.jar
Guan Tian Chuang_SE_176x220_CN.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_176x220_cracked.jar
World Of Dice_SE_176x220.jar
Loco Roco Hi_176x220.jar
Trivial Pursuit_SE_176x220.jar
Tamagochi_Kitty Kitten_SE_176x220.jar
Tamagochi_Lab Hamster_SE_176x220.jar
Tamagochi_Cuddles Panda_SE_176x220.jar
TMNT_The Ninja Tribunal_multiscreen.jar
18+ Sexi X_176x220.jar
The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor_SE_176x220.jar
RBS 6 Nations Rugby 2009_SE_176x220.jar
Spring Break Fever_SE_176x220.jar
King of the Hill_SE_176x220.jar
Power of 10_SE_176x220.jar
Manchester_United_SE 176x220.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_SE_176x220.jar
Pirate Ship Battles_SE_176x220.jar
Jungle Twister Puzzle Expedition_SE_176x220.jar
Hamster Mansion_SE_176x220.jar
SK8 KRAZY_SE_176x220.jar
Asterix And The Vikings_176x208.jar
Stop Smoking With Allen Carr_SE_176x220.jar
Lemmings Landscape_200x176.jar
Stick Fighter Fury_176x208.jar
Chicken Kickin'_176x208.jar
Major Pain_176x220.jar
Date or Ditch_SE_176x220.jar
18+ Sexy Factor_176x220.jar
Othello Deluxe 3D_176x220.jar
Crazy Pong 360º SE 176x220.jar
Dynamite Fishing2 SE 176x220.jar
Rockstar Hero SE 176x220.jar
SexyTangram SE 176x220.jar
Blocspin 360 (RUS) SE 176x220.jar
Demon Tsam_CN_176x220.jar
Winter Bonus Selection_SE_176x220.jar
God Of War_SE_176x220.jar
Street Fighter II_SE_176x220.jar
Metal Gear Acid 2 SE 176x220.jar
Bublex Mania_SE_176x220_K700.jar
Pile Up Candymania SE 176x220.jar
Fast & Furious 3D_SE_176x220.jar
Cloud Commander_3D_176x208.jar
3D Solid Weapon 2_176x220.jar
High Speed 3D_176x220.jar
Paperboy Wheels On Fire_176x208.jar
Monsters Vs Aliens_SE_176x220.jar
Tomb_Raider_Legend Tokyo_SE_176x220.jar
Deliver Xpress_176x208.jar
Super Fruitfall_SE_176x220.jar
Space Miner_SE_176x220.jar
Ali Baba And The Scary Dev_SE_176x220.jar
Tom Clancys-HAWX_SE_176X220.jar
Kung Fu Master_SE_176x220.jar
Tropical Towers_SE_176x220.jar
Paris Nights_SE_176x220.jar
Crazy Hospital_SE_176x220.jar
Chop Sushi_SE_176x220.jar
Fatal Bazooka_176x208_FR.jar
Guan Tian Chuang_SE_176x220_CN.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_176x220_cracked.jar
World Of Dice_SE_176x220.jar
Loco Roco Hi_176x220.jar
Trivial Pursuit_SE_176x220.jar
Tamagochi_Kitty Kitten_SE_176x220.jar
Tamagochi_Lab Hamster_SE_176x220.jar
Tamagochi_Cuddles Panda_SE_176x220.jar
TMNT_The Ninja Tribunal_multiscreen.jar
18+ Sexi X_176x220.jar
The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor_SE_176x220.jar
RBS 6 Nations Rugby 2009_SE_176x220.jar
Spring Break Fever_SE_176x220.jar
King of the Hill_SE_176x220.jar
Power of 10_SE_176x220.jar
Manchester_United_SE 176x220.jar
RUSH (Road Ultimate Speed Hunting)_SE_176x220.jar
Pirate Ship Battles_SE_176x220.jar
Jungle Twister Puzzle Expedition_SE_176x220.jar
Hamster Mansion_SE_176x220.jar
SK8 KRAZY_SE_176x220.jar
Asterix And The Vikings_176x208.jar
Stop Smoking With Allen Carr_SE_176x220.jar
Lemmings Landscape_200x176.jar
Stick Fighter Fury_176x208.jar
Chicken Kickin'_176x208.jar
Major Pain_176x220.jar
Date or Ditch_SE_176x220.jar
18+ Sexy Factor_176x220.jar
Othello Deluxe 3D_176x220.jar
Apr 7, 2009
Snap-on Speaker Stand MS410

Skip the size, keep the stereo sound!
Just snap this ultra-compact speaker stand onto your mobile. Blast your favourite music or watch your favourite YouTube™ clips - the choice is yours!
Rock the party
DJ like a pro with these super-small stereo speakers. Feel the beat, get your friends on their feet - and keep them dancing all night long!
A world of music at your fingertips
Tune into your favourite radio stations with Snap-on Speaker Stand MS410’s integrated FM radio antenna. Get ultra-clear reception; just choose the station that suits your mood.
Built in FM antenna
Powered from the phone
One year limited warranty
Stereo sound
Protective connector cap
Available colours
- Black
- 110.0 x 37.0 x 38.0 mm
- 4.3 x 1.5 x 1.5 inches
More Info
Handsfree VH300

Staying in touch is simple
With Clip-on Bluetooth™ Handsfree VH300, you'll never notice this subtly stylish handsfree until you take or make a call. Life's hard enough, why not simplify your call handling?
No one will know
That you're always in touch. Clip on this discreet handsfree and wear its wired earpiece around your neck. It's reversible and features one-touch call handling.
Proven sound quality
Thanks to Clip-on Bluetooth™ Handsfree VH300's movable microphone and handy volume control. On a crowded train or a busy bus? Just move the microphone closer to your mouth.
* Bluetooth™ wireless technology
* Compatibility
* Enhanced Data Rate (EDR)
* eSCO (extended SCO)
* Mute
* Remote voice volume control
* Redial
* Second call handling
* Voice Activated Dialing (VAD)
Available colours
- Argentum Black
- Stellar Silver
- 48.0 x 18.0 x 18.0 mm
- 1.9 x 0.7 x 0.7 inches - 48.0 x 18.0 x 18.0 mm
- 1.9 x 0.7 x 0.7 inches
More Info
Sony Ericsson S312



Instant video recording
Things happen all the time - so why not catch them on video? All it takes is a sharp eye and one finger on the dedicated video camera key.
Try the still camera
When you want to freeze the moment, use the 2.0 megapixel camera. Illuminated shortcut keys aid you, Photo fix improves picture quality in a jiffy.
Remind yourself
Meetings, birthdays, parties ... can you keep all the important dates in your head? Let the S312 remember them for you. Just add reminders and relax.
The S312 supports GSM/GPRS/EDGE/900/1800 and will be available in selected markets from Q2 in the colours Dawn Blue and Honey Silver. The Clip-on Bluetooth™ Handsfree VH300 will be available on selected markets from Q3 2009.
- 262.144 color TFT
- 176x220 pixels
- Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) support
- Phone memory 15MB*
* Actual free memory may vary due to phone pre-configuration.
- GSM/GPRS/EDGE 900/1800
Available colours
- Dawn Blue - Honey Silver
Possible limited market availability.
- 100.0 x 46.0 x 12.5 mm
- 3.9 x 1.8 x 0.5 inches
- 80.1 gr
- 2.8 oz
* Digital Zoom - 2.5x
* Camera - 2 megapixel
* Video recording
* Video light
* Picture blogging
* Photo light
* Photo fix
* Music tones - MP3, AAC
* TrackID™
* PlayNow™
* Bluetooth™ stereo (A2DP)
* Media Player
* Web browser - Openwave™
* WAP 1.2.1
* Radio - FM radio with RDS
* Video viewing
* Java
* PictBridge
* USB support
* USB mass storage
* Modem
* Bluetooth™ technology
* Sound recorder
* Predictive text input
* Picture messaging (MMS)
* Text messaging (SMS)
* Vibrating Alert
* Speakerphone
* Polyphonic ringtones
* Wallpaper animation
* Picture wallpaper
* Navigation ke
* Timer
* Tasks
* Stopwatch
* Phone book
* Flight mode
* Calendar
* Calculator
* Alarm clock
More Info
Sony Ericsson W205



Know your music
More music equals more fun. Use TrackID™ to identify songs you don't recognize - but want to hear again.
Radio entertainment
Tune in the FM radio to your favorite station. When you hear something you like, why not record it and use it as your ringtone?
Multiple phone books
Keep your contacts organized, even if you and your family use the same W205. There's one shared and four private phone books.
Sony Ericsson W205 Available in selected markets from Q2 2009
- 128x160 pixel
- 65,536 color TFT
- Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) support (up to 2 GB)
- Phone memory 5MB*
* Actual free memory may vary due to phone pre-configuration.
- GSM/GPRS 900/1800
Available colours
- Ambient Black
Possible limited market availability.
- 92.0 x 47.0 x 16.4 mm
- 3.6 x 1.9 x 0.6 inches
- 96.0 gr
- 3.4 oz
Please note that local variations may apply.
* Digital Zoom - up to 2.2x
* Camera - 1.3-megapixel
* Video recording
* Music tones - MP3, AAC
* Walkman® player
* TrackID™
* Web browser - Opera™
* Radio - FM radio with RDS
* Java
* USB mass storage
* Bluetooth™ technology
* Predictive text input
* Sound recorder
* Picture messaging (MMS)
* Text messaging (SMS)
* Vibrating Alert
* Speakerphone
* Polyphonic ringtones
* Wallpaper animation
* Picture wallpaper
* Navigation key
* Phone book
* Timer
* Tasks
* Stopwatch
* Notes
* Calendar
* Calculator
* Alarm clock
More Info
Apr 1, 2009
Harga Ponsel April 2009
Phones Buyers Guide
Selular Shop 01/Apr/2009
OKE Shop 01/Apr/2009
DUGEM 14/Apr/2009
Selular Shop 14/Apr/2009
OKE Shop 14/Apr/2009
Walkman phones
W980i - Rp.4.149.000
W960i - Rp.3.549.000
W902 - Rp.4.325.000
W890i - Rp.2.499.000
W880i - Rp.1.999.000
W760 - Rp.2.675.000
W660i - Rp.1.749.000
W595 - Rp.2.999.000
W580i - Rp.1.999.000
W380i - Rp.1.599.000
W350i - Rp.1.499.000
W302 - Rp.1.525.000
W200i - Rp.1.075.000
R306i - Rp.949.000
R300i - Rp.849.000
Cyber-shot phones
S302 - Rp.1.475.000
C902i - Rp.3.699.000
K850i - Rp.2.999.000
K770i - Rp.2.249.000
K330 - Rp.785.000
C905 - Rp.5.599.000
C702 - Rp.2.799.000
Business phones
Xperia X1 - Rp.6.999.000
K660i - Rp.2.299.000
K630i - Rp.1.925.000
G900 - Rp.3.399.000
G705 - Rp.3.399.000
G700 - Rp.2.749.000
G502 - Rp.1.675.000
Lifestyle phones
T700 - Rp.2.360.000
T650i - Rp.1.799.000
S500i - Rp.1.749.000
Talk and text phones
T303 - Rp.1.099.000
T280i - Rp.875.000
T250i - Rp.675.000
K320i - Rp.775.000
F305 - Rp.1.699.000
Stereo headsets
Stereo Portable Handsfree HPM-90 - Rp.495.000
Stereo Portable Handsfree HPM-83 - Rp.425.000
Stereo Portable Handsfree HPM-82 - Rp.425.000
Stereo Portable Handsfree HPM-77 - Rp.395.000
Stereo portable handsfree HPM-70 - Rp.245.000
Stereo Bluetooth™ Headset HBH-DS205 - Rp.675.000
Stereo Bluetooth Headset HBH-DS980 - Rp.950.000
Stereo Bluetooth Headset HBH-DS220 - Rp.695.000
Wireless Stereo Speaker MBS-400 - Rp.1.375.000
Wireless Portable Speaker MBS-200 - Rp.995.000
Snap-on Speakers MPS-75 - Rp.295.000
Portable Speakers MPS-70 - Rp.275.000
Portable Bluetooth Speaker MBS-100 - Rp.575.000
Music Desk Stand MDS-65 - Rp.850.000
Home Audio System MDS-70 - Rp.1.775.000
Bluetooth™ Car Handsfree HCB-150 - Coming soon!
Bluetooth Car Speakerphone HCB-105 - Rp.650.000
Active Speaker MAS-100 - Rp.425.000
Music extras
Music Cable MMC-60 - Rp.95.000
HPE-14 - Rp.75.000
Headphone Stereo Nirkabel HBH-IS800 - Rp.1.495.000
HBH-PV720 - Coming soon!
Bluetooth™ Headset HBH-PV770 - Rp.595.000
Bluetooth™ Headset HBH-PV715 - Rp.550.000
Bluetooth™ headset HBH-PV712 - Coming soon!
Bluetooth Headset HBH-IV840 - Coming soon!
Active Stereo Headphones HPM-66 - Rp.425.000
CLA-60 - Rp.150.000
CLA-11 - Rp.125.000
Car Holder HCH-60 - Rp.195.000
Bluetooth Car Speakerphone HCB-120 - Rp.925.000
Bluetooth Car Speakerphone HCB-100 - Rp.675.000
Advanced Car Handsfree HCA-60 - Coming soon!
Camera Phone Kit IPK-100 - Rp.250.000
Memory card
Memory Stick Micro M2 8GB - Rp.925.000
Memory stick Micro M2 4GB - Rp.575.000
Memory Stick Micro M2 2GB - Rp.425.000
Memory Stick Micro M2 1GB - Rp.295.000
Connectivity and power
USB Cable DCU-60 - Rp.125.000
Two Port Standard Charger CST-75 - Rp.150.000
Sony Ericsson BST-40 - Coming soon!
Sony Ericsson BST-38 - Rp.315.000
Sony Ericsson BST-37 - Rp.285.000
Sony Ericsson BST-36 - Rp.175.000
Sony Ericsson BST-33 - Rp.285.000
Sony Ericsson BST-30 - Rp.200.000
Music Remote Control MRC-60 - Rp.425.000
Micro Travel Charger CMT-60 - Rp.225.000
ILP-20 - Rp.50.000
Desk Stand CDS-65 -Coming soon!
CST-13 - Rp.85.000
CSS-20 - Rp.150.000
CMT-10 - Rp.75.000
Blue Torch IBT-20 - Rp.50.000
Selular Shop 01/Apr/2009
Sony Ericsson-C702 - Rp. 2.699.000,-
Sony Ericsson-C902 - Rp. 3.599.000,-
Sony Ericsson-C902 Bond Silver (plus HBH) - Rp. 3.799.000,-
Sony Ericsson-F305 - Rp. 1.675.000,-
Sony Ericsson-G700 - Rp. 2.599.000,-
Sony Ericsson-G900 - Rp. 3.265.000,-
Sony Ericsson-J120 - Rp. 425.000,-
Sony Ericsson-K200 - Rp. 475.000,-
Sony Ericsson-K320 - Rp. 725.000,-
Sony Ericsson-K330 - Rp. 785.000,-
Sony Ericsson-K530 - Rp. 1.449.000,-
Sony Ericsson-K550 - Rp. 1.449.000,-
Sony Ericsson-K630 - Rp. 1.599.000,-
Sony Ericsson-K660 - Rp. 1.925.000,-
Sony Ericsson-K770 - Rp. 1.925.000,-
Sony Ericsson-K850 - Rp. 2.975.000,-
Sony Ericsson-R300 - Rp. 849.000,-
Sony Ericsson-R306 - Rp. 949.000,-
Sony Ericsson-S302 - Rp. 1.449.000,-
Sony Ericsson-S500i (Plus Memory Card 1GB) - Rp. 1.749.000,-
Sony Ericsson-T250 - Rp. 649.000,-
Sony Ericsson-T280 - Rp. 875.000,-
Sony Ericsson-T303 - Rp. 1.099.000,-
Sony Ericsson-T700 - Rp. 2.360.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W200 - Rp. 1.100.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W302 - Rp. 1.499.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W350i - Rp. 1.399.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W380i - Rp. 1.749.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W595 - Rp. 2.949.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W660 - Rp. 1.749.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W760 - Rp. 2.599.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W880 - Rp. 1.975.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W890i - Rp. 2.399.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W910 - Rp. 2.549.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W960 - Rp. 3.399.000,-
Sony Ericsson-W980 - Rp. 3.999.000,-
Sony Ericsson-Xperia X1 - Rp. 6.999.000,-
Sony Ericsson-Z555 - Rp. 1.099.000,-
OKE Shop 01/Apr/2009
C702 - Rp. 2.699.000,-
C902 - Rp. 3.599.000,-
C905 - Rp. 5.599.000,-
G502 - Rp. 1.649.000,-
G700 - Rp. 2.599.000,-
G900 - Rp. 3.539.000,-
J120i - Rp. 440.000,-
K320i - Rp. 859.000,-
K330 - Rp. 824.000,-
K530i - Rp. 1.566.000,-
K550i - Rp. 1.619.000,-
K630i - Rp. 2.100.000,-
K660i - Rp. 1.975.000,-
K770i - Rp. 2.199.000,-
K800i - Rp. 2.235.000,-
K810i - Rp. 2.299.000,-
K850i - Rp. 3.999.000,-
R300 - Rp. 858.000,-
R306 - Rp. 1.019.000,-
S302 - Rp. 1.449.000,-
T280i - Rp. 875.000,-
T303 - Rp. 1.099.000,-
T650i - Rp. 2.350.000,-
T700 - Rp. 2.360.000,-
W200i - Rp. 1.075.000,-
W350i - Rp. 1.475.000,-
W380i - Rp. 1.575.000,-
W580i - Rp. 1.999.000,-
W760i - Rp. 2.599.000,-
W890i - Rp. 2.399.000,-
W902 - Rp. 4.299.000,-
W910i - Rp. 2.549.000,-
W980 - Rp. 4.150.000,-
Xperia X1 - Rp. 6.999.000,-
DUGEM 14/Apr/2009
Walkman phones
W980i - Rp.4.149.000
W960i - Rp.3.549.000
W902 - Rp.4.325.000
W890i - Rp.2.499.000
W880i - Rp.1.999.000
W760 - Rp.2.675.000
W660i - Rp.1.749.000
W595 - Rp.2.999.000
W580i - Rp.1.999.000
W380i - Rp.1.599.000
W350i - Rp.1.499.000
W302 - Rp.1.525.000
W200i - Rp.1.075.000
R306i - Rp.949.000
R300i - Rp.849.000
Cyber-shot phones
S302 - Rp.1.475.000
C902i - Rp.3.699.000
K850i - Rp.2.999.000
K770i - Rp.2.249.000
K330 - Rp.785.000
C905 - Rp.5.599.000
C702 - Rp.2.799.000
Lifestyle phones
T700 - Rp.2.360.000
T650i - Rp.1.799.000
S500i - Rp.1.749.000
Business phones
Xperia X1 - Rp.6.999.000
K660i - Rp.2.299.000
K630i - Rp.1.925.000
G900 - Rp.3.399.000
G705 - Rp.3.399.000
G700 - Rp.2.749.000
G502 - Rp.1.675.000
Talk and text phones
T303 - Rp.1.099.000
T280i - Rp.875.000
T250i - Rp.675.000
K320i - Rp.775.000
F305 - Rp.1.699.000
Selular Shop 14/Apr/2009
Sony Ericsson-C510 - Rp. 2.949.000,-
Sony Ericsson C702 - Rp. 2.699.000,-
Sony Ericsson C902 - Rp. 3.599.000,-
Sony Ericsson C902 Bond Silver (plus HBH) - Rp. 3.799.000,-
Sony Ericsson F305 - Rp. 1.625.000,-
Sony Ericsson G700 - Rp. 2.349.000,-
Sony Ericsson G900 - Rp. 3.265.000,-
Sony Ericsson J120 - Rp. 425.000,-
Sony Ericsson K320 - Rp. 725.000,-
Sony Ericsson K330 - Rp. 785.000,-
Sony Ericsson K660 - Rp. 1.925.000,-
Sony Ericsson K770 - Rp. 1.925.000,-
Sony Ericsson K850 - Rp. 2.975.000,-
Sony Ericsson R300 - Rp. 825.000,-
Sony Ericsson R306 - Rp. 949.000,-
Sony Ericsson S302 - Rp. 1.425.000,-
Sony Ericsson S500i (Plus Memory Card 1GB) - Rp. 1.749.000,-
Sony Ericsson T250 - Rp. 629.000,-
Sony Ericsson T280 - Rp. 879.000,-
Sony Ericsson T303 - Rp. 1.025.000,-
Sony Ericsson T700 - Rp. 2.360.000,-
Sony Ericsson W200 - Rp. 1.050.000,-
Sony Ericsson W302 - Rp. 1.499.000,-
Sony Ericsson W350i - Rp. 1.399.000,-
Sony Ericsson W380i - Rp. 1.749.000,-
Sony Ericsson W595 - Rp. 2.949.000,-
Sony Ericsson W660 - Rp. 1.749.000,-
Sony Ericsson W705 - Rp. 3.899.000,-
Sony Ericsson W760 - Rp. 2.599.000,-
Sony Ericsson W880 - Rp. 1.975.000,-
Sony Ericsson W890i - Rp. 2.399.000,-
Sony Ericsson W910 - Rp. 2.499.000,-
Sony Ericsson W960 - Rp. 3.399.000,-
Sony Ericsson W980 - Rp. 3.999.000,-
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 - Rp. 6.499.000,-
Sony Ericsson Z555 - Rp. 1.099.000,-
OKE Shop 14/Apr/2009
C702 - Rp. 2.699.000,-
C902 - Rp. 3.599.000,-
C905 - Rp. 5.549.000,-
G502 - Rp. 1.649.000,-
G700 - Rp. 2.599.000,-
G900 - Rp. 3.539.000,-
J120i- Rp. 440.000,-
K320i- Rp. 859.000,-
K330 - Rp. 824.000,-
K530i- Rp. 1.566.000,-
K550i- Rp. 1.619.000,-
K630i- Rp. 2.100.000,-
K660i- Rp. 1.975.000,-
K770i- Rp. 2.199.000,-
K800i- Rp. 2.235.000,-
K810i- Rp. 2.299.000,-
K850i- Rp. 3.999.000,-
R300 - Rp. 858.000,-
R306 - Rp. 1.019.000,-
S302 - Rp. 1.425.000,-
T280i- Rp. 875.000,-
T303 - Rp. 1.025.000,-
T700 - Rp. 2.360.000,-
W200i- Rp. 1.050.000,-
W350i- Rp. 1.475.000,-
W380i- Rp. 1.749.000,-
W580i- Rp. 1.925.000,-
W760i- Rp. 2.949.000,-
W890i- Rp. 2.399.000,-
W902 - Rp. 4.249.000,-
W910i- Rp. 2.549.000,-
W980i- Rp. 4.150.000,-
Xperia X1- Rp. 6.999.000,-
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